Seminar & Worksop: Thinking Beyond Two Dimension – Sebahat Karcı


We are going to host Sebahat Karcı, as part of the Visual Communication Project, on 25th Nov. Thursday, and listen to his works. On 25th Nov. Thursday, we are going to organize a workshop, titled Thinking Beyond Two Dimension, in Studio H3.


Within the scope of the event, we are going to understand the paper, explore its potentials, and have a joint product. The sculpture is going to be formed experimentally with concepts such as space, mass, form, composition, and balance, as the participants wish at that moment and exhibited.


You can fill this form for registration to the events.


Sebahat Karcı is a multidisciplinary artist & designer who works with paper material. She was born in Konya, Akşehir in 1988. She went to Marmara University, Faculty of Fine Arts. She went to Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design in Budapest in 2009 within the scope of the Erasmus Programme.


As part of the Covid-19 measures, the event is limited to the quota. It is compulsory to wear a facemask during the events.


The language used during the events will be Turkish.